[CFP] 2nd International Conference Atlantic Communities

2nd International Conference Atlantic Communities:
Translation | Conflict | Belief | Ideology

19th – 21st October 2017

Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto (Portugal)

CETAPS – Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies

Co-organized by:
University of Porto | University of Vigo | Queen’s University Belfast

The conference – a rationale:
This conference is the second in a series designed to explore the connections between notions of translation (as practice and object of inquiry, but also as concept and master trope for intercultural dynamics) and the networks of identity that have historically developed around and across the Atlantic. It derives its pretext and rationale from a set of (ostensibly disparate) commemorative opportunities afforded by the year 2017.
These include:
* the fifth centenary of Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses (1517);
* the centenary of the October Revolution (1917);
* the centenary of the US decision to enter the Great War (1917).
The first two of these events, unquestionably momentous for world history, are apparently remote from our Atlantic emphasis – but their respective consequences for the geopolitics of the early modern and / or modern world, within their different timespans, were crucially to include a transatlantic focus. Indeed, forms of belief, and ensuing forms of action, derived from the overwhelming impact of the Reformation have always been recognised as crucial to many of the transits from Old to New World that have shaped western history since the early 17th century. Within the narrower range proper to one single elapsed century, the capacity of the Russian Revolution of 1917 (together with the political conformations to which it gave rise) to shape ideology and action through either adherence or rejection was made evident in the stark political alignments that marked most of the past century – again, with crucial consequences for some of the allegiances and differences that have developed around the Atlantic space.
The dynamics generated by these relations are brought into starker relief when we consider the complex historical rapport between America and the world, and more particularly between America and Europe. The third event listed above offers a signal opportunity for reflecting on such bonds, especially at a juncture when many assumptions that were taken for granted over the past century are being pondered anew.
Translation can be found to intersect productively with any consideration of the above.
First of all, the historical designs in question had a lot to do with verbal transits. These range from the discussions about the dignity of vernaculars, compounded by the challenges posed by translating God’s word, that marked the history of the Reformed churches and their role in shaping modern cultures; to the linguistic implications of the internationalism of political movements inspired by the October revolution, in its worldwide train of consequences; to the verbal processing of the Great War in the age when newsprint was acquiring an unprecedented significance.
Secondly, the place that translation has recently acquired in the panorama of inquiry of the humanities and social sciences has made it a master trope for intercultural designs, and hence a source of conceptual footholds for revising the complex relations introduced in human experience by the historical developments commemorated in 2017.

Suggested topics:
These are some of the general topics that we believe may arise from the above:
* Wars and words around the Atlantic: translation and emergency/ies
* Conflicts and alliances, Europe and America: translation and (trans)Atlantic geopolitics
* Versions of tomorrow: ideology and utopias in the Atlantic world
* Religion across the Atlantic: verbal transit and human mobility
* Belief and selfhood: translation, contemplation and the Atlantic world
* Public causes: political action, ethics and rewriting in the Atlantic world
* Ideology crises and new beliefs across the Atlantic: Post-human and Post-truth narratives
The organisers welcome proposals for 20-minute papers in English responding to these or other topics prompted by the conference’s rationale.

Submissions should be sent by email to atlantic2017@letras.up.pt
Please include the following information with your proposal:
* the full title of your paper;
* a 250-300-word abstract;
* name, postal address and e-mail address;
* institutional affiliation and position;
* a short bionote;
* AV requirements (if any)

Deadline for proposals: 3 April 2017
Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2017
Registration: 1 to 30 September 2017

Host and venue:
The conference will take place at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, www.letras.up.pt. It will be organised and hosted by CETAPS – the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies, www.cetaps.com – and, within it, by the research group Relational Forms: Intertextual and Interart Dynamics in the Cultures of Ireland and Britain.

The consortium:
This initiative reflects the awareness of a shared space (the Atlantic) and a common interest (translation, both as practice and trope) developed by a group of academics from three universities: Universidade de Vigo, Universidade do Porto, Queen’s University Belfast. Their commitment to a set of common goals includes jointly organised conferences and publications.

Organising committee:
Rui Carvalho Homem (convenor; Univ. Porto)
Teresa Caneda (Univ. Vigo)
David Johnston (Queen’s Univ. Belfast)
Local executive committee:
Rui Carvalho Homem | Jorge Bastos da Silva | Miguel Ramalhete Gomes | Jorge Almeida Pinho

For queries please contact:
CETAPS – Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 PORTO
+351 22 0427659


