Subtitling (Advanced)
This one-day course on advanced subtitling will help you tackle subtitling challenges more confidently.
You’ll work with audiovisual texts from authentic contexts and practise time-cuing and translation.
You’ll familiarise yourself with different types of audiovisual texts and will look at the respective approaches used to translate these within the framework of interlingual subtitling.
This course is run by CenTraS – Centre for Translation Studies at UCL.
Who this course is for
The course is open to freelance translators, and undergraduate or postgraduate translation students.
Course content and structure
We’ll start with a brief review of the main theoretical and practical issues concerning interlingual subtitling as a reminder to those who participated in the previous workshop (Introduction to Subtitling) and an introduction to those who did not.
We’ll also cover the main features of the subtitling software in use (WinCAPS).
The review of theoretical and practical issues will be followed by a more hands-on workshop during which you’ll have the opportunity to:
- work with different audiovisual texts from authentic contexts
- practise time-cuing and translation into your native language
Some time will be left at the end for questions.
A list of useful websites and other sources of information will be given to all participants.
Cost and concessions
The fees are as follows:
- Student concession – £65
- CIOL members / UCL staff – £103.50
- Full rate – £115
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Adriana Tortoriello
Adriana is a qualified and very experienced freelance translator and subtitler with many years’ experience in the field of audiovisual translation. She has lectured and held workshops in audiovisual translation (especially subtitling) at a number of universities, both in the UK and abroad.