Summer practice/courses for interpreters 2017 – Interpreters in Brussels Practice Group



  • CCIC: The Cambridge Conference Interpretation Course (CCIC) has run annually since 1985. It is a unique, high-level, specialised training course carefully tailored to the needs of experienced practising conference interpreters. The Course is run by Christopher Guichot de Fortis, staff Senior Interpreter at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, and Julia Poger, freelance interpreter. The CCIC format is at once intensive yet relaxed, and demanding yet friendly.

Practical info: link, July 31st – August 11th, working language for this session: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian.     Here is a quote from a previous student and IBPG guest, Tatiana Kaplun, RU,EN,FR, 2015.  Federica Mamini also attended the CCIC course and she would highly recommend it:)

There are some spots left for French As!

  • Stress management and emotional resilience for interpreters – ISIT, Paris

Conference interpreting has been ranked as one of the most stressful professions of our time, beside civil aviation. But whereas pilots cannot control the weather or an aircraft technical failure, interpreters can learn how to master their emotions and land safely. This training is designed to provide both a theoretical framework and practical tolls for stress management, exploring stress as a natural response which can be used as a resource to improve an interpreter’s performance, if duly managed. Develop awareness of emotions as they arise, learn relaxation exercises and increase your stress resilience to improve your skills as a communication expert.

Cost of seminar: AIIC members and ISIT members: EUR 300, Non-members: EUR 500

Practical info: Please download and complete the application form here. Date: 1st July, 9h-17h

  • Advanced Sim training module – University of Manchester (MA Conference Interpreting)
    4 weeks of advanced simultaneous interpreting open to external participants.  The training includes three talks from expert speakers, a full day workshop on working for the UN, a visit from John Swales from SCIC and a talk from AIIC. Ideal for colleagues looking to add an EN B, EN As adding a new C or new interpreters looking for some extra practice and feedback.

Practical info: The module runs from 12 June to 7 July, fee: £825 per attendee. This year they are running EN<>ZH, FR, ES.

If interested, please contact Deadline: 5 June 2017


  • Adding FR C/B: Cours pour interprètes : 28 leçons de 45mn / semaine. Vous êtes interprète au sein d’une institution européenne ou de tout autre organisme. Vous voulez ajouter le français à vos langues de travail ou améliorer vos performances linguistiques ? Ce cours est pour vous ! Spécialement centré sur vos besoins professionnels, il privilégie les activités de compréhension orale et d’approfondissement du lexique spécialisé (agriculture, politique, médecine, environnement, sécurité etc…). Mais toute langue est aussi culture et le cours a également pour but de vous aider à mieux comprendre les réalités de la société française et du monde francophone.

Practical info: Mediterranez-vous, Montpellier, 17-21 juillet, 24-28 juillet ; 31 juillet- 4 août ; 14-18 août ; 21-25 août

  • Stage de langue et culture françaises du lundi 17 juillet 13h30 au samedi 22 juillet 12h30 à Paris. Au programme, 2 à 3 séances dédiées aux aspects linguistiques, les thèmes abordés par ailleurs étant l’histoire de l’art (avec une visite), ainsi que d’autres sujets culturels, politiques ou de société. Public visé: Interprètes confirmés basés à l’étranger ayant le français dans leur combinaison linguistique (ou souhaitant l’ajouter) et désirant améliorer leurs connaissances de la France et du français d’aujourd’hui.

Practical info:

Le programme n’étant pas encore finalisé, voir le programme 2014 au lien suivant :

Veuillez contacter rapidement les organisateurs du Stage pour les pré-inscriptions: stage.francais.interpretes@


  • Deutsch für Konferenzdolmetscher, Germersheim. Dieser Kurs richtet sich einerseits an frisch graduierte Konferenzdolmetscher/innen mit bis zu 5 Jahren Berufserfahrung. Außerdem sollen auch erfahrene Dolmetscher/innen angesprochen werden, die bisher noch wenig mit Deutsch als Passivsprache gearbeitet haben. Die Dolmetschübungen finden in einer “gemischten Gruppe” statt. In dieser Gruppe dolmetschen die Teilnehmer/innen verschiedener Sprachen unter Anleitung erfahrener Dozierender aus dem Deutschen in Ihre jeweilige A-Sprache. Die ISG setzt dabei abwechselnd Dolmetschdozenten ein, die die im Kurs vorhandenen A-Sprachen abdecken.


  • 3 Exkursionen (Speyer, Heidelberg, Weinstraße mit Weinprobe)
  • Filmabende, Museumsbesuch, Stadtführung
  • Kneipen-/Discoabend
  • Abschlussessen

Practical info: Kursdaten 31.07.2017 – 11.08.2017,  Kursgebühren (inklusive Rahmenprogramm/ohne Unterkunft))900,- € Telefon: +49 7274 / 50835518 E-Mail:

  • Sommerkurs Heidelberg: in diesem Kurs verbinden Sie intensives Deutschlernen am Vormittag mit einem abwechslungsreichen Freizeit- und Sportprogramm. 2 Wochen, 10 Unterrichtstage 40 UE (Unterrichtseinheiten à 45 Minuten), 20 UE pro Woche, max. 16 Teilnehme. 16.07-29.07 / 30.07-12.08/ 13.08-26.08 Niveau A1..C1; 1730 EUR (Pauschalpreis)

Practical info: Goethe Institut link to register, Buchungsformular


  • Dutch Language and Culture for Interpreters and Translators: This intensive one-week course is especially designed for interpreters and translators. The course focuses on general Dutch language, culture and contemporary issues in Dutch society. The goal of the course is upgrading the interpreters’ passive knowledge of Dutch through lectures on topical issues, as well as improving their active command of the Dutch language (C-level).

Practical info: Link, 24 July 2016 – 28 July 2016 (5 days)

Here is the feedback given by our admin Victoria Hecq:

Course for interpreters:

The Babel course for interpreters lasts a week and is more of a series of small conferences than a language course as such. Different people come give presentations about their job or their specialty in the morning and the afternoon is used to debrief the presentations, discuss vocabulary, clarify what remains unclear and prepare the next day. Topics include nature, the organization of land and water (as you know, Dutch people are a bit of experts in water management), art (and famous Dutch artist Mondriaan – including a field trip to the Mondriaan Huis in Amersfoort), the Dutch social system and education system, Dutch politics (with a tour of the Gemeentehuis). The participants can choose to be as active or passive as they like and the atmosphere is very good, casual yet professional (yes, pretty much everyone is a EU interpreter!). The amount of vocabulary gathered during the week is enormous. This course truly allows you to gain valuable insight into the functioning of the Netherlands and to get used to the Dutch accent, which you will hear all day every day.

Language courses:

Babel also offers a variety of language courses during the summer, but this time it is an actual language course that can last up to four weeks, usually half-days, with about fifteen medestudenten and a textbook. There are different levels available but whichever you choose, there is a chance that it will be a bit too slow for you, language professionals! However, it is my believe that you can make a course as intensive as you like by going the extra mile and putting more efforts into your (many, many) homework. An excellent way to go over the grammar one last time and build up vocabulary.


  • Short Courses for Conference Interpreters with English B, London, August 2017

The courses will run August 21-26 and August 28-September 2, 2017 and will include:

  •  simultaneous interpreting,
  •  consecutive (if requested),
  •  tailored feedback from English A course tutors,
  •  voice coaching,
  •  English enhancement,
  •  talks and debates on topical issues,
  •  speech preparation and delivery.

We will be running an Arabic A group and a German A group the first week, August 21-26, and a French A group and an Italian A group the second week, August 28-September 2. We now have a waiting list for the French A group, but we still have a few places left for Arabic, German and Italian.

Practical info:  The courses will take place in central London and the fees are £1250.00 (which will cover tuition, not accommodation). Send an email to Christine Adams (member AIIC):  or Zoë Hewetson (member AIIC):


  • Curso de Situación Política Actual en España:  El curso temático Situación política actual en España, tendrá lugar en Madrid, del lunes 17 al viernes 21 de julio y está dirigido a intérpretes que desean perfeccionar la lengua española en C o en B, así como profundizar en los conocimientos relativos a la economía y las finanzas en España. El número de participantes está limitado para favorecer la metodología utilizada en el curso, enfocada en la interacción entre ponentes y participantes durante las sesiones. El curso consta de 25 horas lectivas (1500 min) que se reparten en cinco días, en horario continuo de 9:00 a 14:45, excepto el lunes que comenzaremos con la presentación del curso a las 8:30. Por las tardes, se propondrán ofertas optativas de ocio para los participantes.

Practical info:

Fecha limite de inscripción 13 junio 2017, precio completo del curso 750 EUR; Coordinadora: Alicja Okoniewska,                  +33 (0) 649534654 Website:

  • Curso de Sistema Económico y Financeiro Español:  El curso temático, Sistema económico y financiero español, tendrá lugar en Madrid, del lunes 24 al viernes 28 de julio y está dirigido a intérpretes que desean perfeccionar la lengua española en C o en B, así como profundizar en los conocimientos relativos a la economía y las finanzas en España. El número de participantes está limitado para favorecer la metodología utilizada en el curso, enfocada en la interacción entre ponentes y participantes durante las sesiones. El curso consta de 25 horas lectivas (1500 min) que se reparten en cinco días, en horario continuo de 9:00 a 14:45, excepto el lunes que comenzaremos con la presentación del curso a las 8:30. Por las tardes, se propondrán ofertas optativas de ocio para los participantes.

Practical info: fecha limite de inscripción 20 junio 2017, precio completo del curso 750 EUR; Coordinadora: Alicja Okoniewska, +33 (0) 649534654 Website:

  • Curso de verano para el perfeccionamiento de la lengua española para intérpretes: Repasar aspectos gramaticales, léxicos y culturales de la lengua española; ampliar terminología y potenciar la comprensión del discurso español para mejorar las habilidades como intérprete. Presentar y profundizar en temas específicos para poner en relieve las peculiaridades características de la geopolítica, sociedad y cultura españolas, necesarias para el completo desarrollo de la tarea profesional del intérprete. Dirigido a intérpretes con la lengua española como lengua B o C o con interés en incorporar el español a su combinación lingüística.

Practical info: El curso se celebrará del 31 de julio al 18 de agosto de 2017Existe la posibilidad de realizar el curso por módulos independientes de una, dos o tres semanas.

Precio 1640 EUR, fecha limite de inscripción: 30 de junio de 2017

Más información e inscripción:


  • Corso di italiano sul Lago di Garda, Malcesine 2016: questo corso, costruito secondo una formula differente rispetto al refresher, è dedicato principalmente a interpreti e traduttori di livello medio-avanzato (B2-C1), ma anche a coloro che, interessati ai temi proposti, possiedano le competenze linguistiche necessarie.

Practical info: Per maggiori informazioni potete consultare il sito internet oppure contattarci agli indirizzi e-mail:,   Sessioni estate 2017: da lunedì 24 luglio a sabato 29 luglio, da lunedi 31 luglio a sabato 5 agosto 2017; ecco il programma

  • Corsi di italiano per stranieri: ecco una lista di altri corsi forniti da enti o Università in Italia.


  • Portuguese Language Refresher Course for Conference Interpreters: Lisbon University’s Faculdade de Letras is organizing its third Portuguese language refresher course for conference interpreters from 10 to 21 July 2017

The course is intended for trained and recently trained professional interpreters with passive Portuguese (C or B) in their language combination, or who are in the process of adding the language, preferably with English, French or Spanish mother tongue; Interpreters with other mother tongues, provided that they are able to pair up with another participant with the same language combination, so that a trainer in their mother tongue will not be required.

The course will include simultaneous interpreting exercises organized by subject matter, sessions focusing on the Portuguese language, talks on major themes of relevance to Portugal, and guided tours. This will provide intensive exposure to the Portuguese language and Portugal’s current affairs, society, history and culture.

Practical info: Contact the CLi administration office at +351 217 816 152 (Monday to Friday – 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 pm or