Call for papers

FITISPos International Journal Special Issue, Vol 5 (2018)


Public Service Interpreting and Translation and New Technologies

Participation through communication with technology


Guest Editors


Michaela Albl-Mikasa

Zurich University of Applied Sciences



Stefanos Vlachopoulos

Technological and Educational Institute of Epirus



Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT) provides people with the opportunity to participate, grants equal access and helps to overcome or reduce discrimination.

In recent years, progress in IT, telecommunications and mobile devices has sparked efforts to apply these means to interpreting and translation in legal, administrative and healthcare settings. The practicalities, e.g. cost-savings, of telephone and video interpreting or of translation apps have given a boost to remote interpreting and tool-assisted translation. This special issue of FITISPos aims to present experiences, state-of-the-art applications as well as research findings on the use, development and future of new technologies in PSIT contexts.

Interested authors working at the interface between PSIT and technology are invited to submit papers that reflect the history and state of the art of technology-based developments in PSIT.

We welcome proposals for this special thematic issue on PSIT and technology to be published in April 2018 in FITISPos-International Journal (FITISPos-IJ).

Suggested topics for exploration are:

  • Experience with the use of software and hardware for remote interpreting in all PSI settings
  • Training interpreters and translators in the use of technology
  • Issues relating to technology-based PSIT quality
  • The prospects and limitations of computer-assisted PSIT
  • Attitudes towards technology in PSIT settings
  • Interpreting and translation aids for PSIT purposes
  • PSIT and technology in refugee settings
  • PSIT in multilingual countries
  • The influence of immigration policy, social priorities and public opinion on the funding and introduction of technology-based PSIT
  • Consequences for interpreter training and assessment
  • Consequences for authorities


Prospective authors are invited to send their paper proposals in the form of abstracts of 250 – 350 words to the guest editors:

Prof. Michaela Albl-Mikasa albm@zhaw.ch

Prof. Stefanos Vlachopoulos stefanos@teiep.gr


Important dates and details


Language of abstract: English

Length of abstract: 250-350 words

Length of article:  5000 words

Abstract submission by: 30 September 2017

Answer from guest editors by: 31 October 2017

Final paper by: 15 January 2018

Revision period and deadline for revised final paper: 15 March 2018

Publication: April 2018

About FITISPos International Journal – UAH (www3.uah.es)

