[CFP] IATIS 2018 – Translation and Cultural Mobility PANEL 12: Advances in Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies: Theoretical Models and Applications


PANEL 12: Advances in Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies: Theoretical Models and Applications

Panel Organizers:
Jeremy Munday (University of Leeds)
Binhua Wang (University of Leeds)
Meifang Zhang (University of Macau)

Discourse analysis in its various forms (language use above the sentence, meaning-making in whole texts in specific social and cultural contexts) deals with the entire act of linguistic and cultural communication and the construction and representation of identity. It has long been applied in translation studies to explain the expression of ideology and to track the translator/interpreter’s cultural intervention. This panel is the continuation of the successful discourse analysis panel at IATIS 5 and the roundtables held in Macao (2012), Leeds (2014) and the University of New South Wales (2016). It aims to take stock of recent developments in the field and to explore, through the methodologies of discourse analysis, how cultural intervention is conducted in translation and interpreting.

While we are open to paper proposals in any aspect related to the panel theme, we particularly welcome submissions for the following areas:

  • Manifestations (linguistic and other) of translators’/interpreters’ cultural intervention.
  • Analysis of different types of multimodal and audiovisual texts.
  • Analysis of interpreting and of the interpreter’s positioning.
  • The development of new models and the enhancement of existing models of discourse analysis in translation studies.
  • The construction of identity in translation.
  • Translated discourse in institutions.
  • The translation of media, social media and political discourse.
  • Markers of appraisal/evaluation and the interpersonal meta-function.
  • Discourse analysis as a means of identifying audience interpretations.

Above all, we hope that the wide range of potential contributions will open up interaction with other panels around the main theme of the conference.

For informal enquiries: B.H.W.Wang@leeds.ac.uk

Bio-note of Panel Organizers:
Jeremy Munday is Professor of Translation Studies at the University of Leeds. His specialisms are: linguistic translation theories, discourse analysis (including systemic functional linguistics), ideology and translation, and Latin American literature in translation. He is author of Introducing Translation Studies (Routledge, 4th edition 2016) and Evaluation in Translation: A study of critical points in translator decision-making (Routledge, 2012).

Binhua Wang is currently Associate Professor and programme director of MA Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies in the Centre for Translation Studies at the University of Leeds. Previously he was assistant professor in the Centre for Translation Studies at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and associate professor and head of the Department of Interpreting at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. As a specialist in English/Chinese interpreting, he is Fellow of the “Chartered Institute of Linguists” (CIOL) and expert member (Fellow) of the “Translators Association of China” (TAC). His research interests lie in various aspects of interpreting and translation studies, in which he supervises PhD students. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles in interpreting and translation studies including nearly 40 in refereed CSSCI/Core journals and SSCI/A&HCI journals such as Interpreting, Meta, Perspectives and Babel, and over a dozen in peer-reviewed collections. He has also authored a monograph (A Descriptive Study of Norms in Interpreting, 2013), co-edited a collection (Interpreting in China: New Trends and Challenges, 2010) and co-translated the book Introducing Interpreting Studies into Chinese (2010).

Meifang Zhang is Professor and coordinator of MA in Translation Studies at the University of Macau. She is Vice President of the Macau Federation of Translators and Interpreters, and council member of the Chinese Translators’ Association. She is also a life member of the Hong Kong Translators’ Society, and a member of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies. She was organizer of the First International Conference on Discourse and Translation (2002 Guangzhou), the International Round Table Seminar on Discourse and Translation (2012 Macao), and co-organizer of the 2014 International Round Table Seminar on Discourse and Translation (2014 Leeds), as well as of the Panel on Innovation in Discourse Analytic Approaches to Translation Studies at the 2015 IATIS (Belo, Horizonte, Brazil). Meifang has published widely in translation and intercultural studies. She is now co-editor of Babel: International Journal of Translation and serves on several editorial boards of refereed journals.


