[Translation, Conflict and Memory II Symposium on Literary Translation and Contemporary Iberia

      Translation, Conflict and Memory                                                II Symposium on Literary Translation and Contemporary Iberia

Friday 3rd – Saturday 4th November 2017

Dublin City University, Ireland



Friday 3rd November 2017

St. Patrick’s Campus, Drumcondra


1.30–2.00           Registration and Welcome


2.00–3.00           Keynote Lecture: Dr Pilar Godayol  Nogué                    


3.00–4.30          Panel 1: The reception of the conflict

El tiempo entre costuras and the Spanish Civil War: Translating Television and Translating Memory, Prof. Kyra A. Kietrys, Davidson College.

Rehabilitación de una memoria compartida entre España y Francia : la traducción icono textual de Los surcos del azar de Paco Roca, Dr. Thomas Faye, Université de Limoges.

Reception of Catalan Novels about the Spanish Civil War in German speaking countries: the case of Incerta glòria (Flüchtiger Glanz) by Joan Sales, Dr. Jordi Jané-Lligé, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


5.00–7.00             Readings and Wine Reception



Saturday 4th November 2017

St. Patrick’s Campus, Drumcondra


9.30–11.00            Panel 2: Translation of contemporary narratives in Iberia

Trends in the Translation and Reception of Contemporary Spanish Narrative in the Anglophone World, Eddie Mc Whinney, University College Cork.

Transmitting Trauma: The Civil War in Galicia through the translations of Manuel Rivas’ works, Laura Linares, University College Cork.

Voices, whispers and silence: translating defeat and building memories of the Spanish Civil War and Franco’s Dictatorship, Dr. Inês Espada Vieira, Universidad Católica Portuguesa.


11.00–11.30           Coffee Break


11.30–12.30           Panel 3: Conflict, translation and drama

The Political Use of Foreign Drama in Francoist Spain, Dr. Catherine O’Leary, University of St. Andrews.

Translating Exile: Luis Seoane’s El irlandés astrólogo, Dr. Elisa Serra Porteiro, University College Cork.


12.30–2.00             Lunch


2.00–3.30             Panel 4: Langston Hughes: An Afroamerican view of the conflict

The Bridge between Conflicts: Langston Hughes, Hospitality, and his Translation of the American Racial Issue into the Spanish Civil War, Dr. Patricia San José Rico, Universidad de Valladolid.

Empathy and Engagement in Translation: Langston Hughes’s versions of Lorca’s Gypsy Ballads, Dr. Andrew Samuel Walsh, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.

Literary Collaborations between Langston Hughes, Rafael Alberti, and María Teresa León during the Spanish Civil War, Dr. Evelyn Scaramella, Manhattan College.


3.30–4.00              Coffee Break


4.00–5.30              Panel 5: A multidirectional vision of the conflict

Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia in Spanish and Catalan, Prof. Josep Marco, Universitat Jaume I.

Pearse Hutchinson’s Iberia and the Translation of Conflict, Dr. Martín Veiga, University College Cork.

Translation and the Multidirectional Memory: Valente, Jabès, Celan, Dr. Manus O´Dwyer, University of Liverpool.

Catalan Translation in the 1960s: the beginning of a language recovery, Lara Estany Freire Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


5.30-6.00               Closing Remarks


8.00                        Conference Dinner