[New publication] Trans – Revista de traductología: volume 21, 2017

Trans – Revista de traductología: volume 21, 2017 (includes a dossier on Versiones del Quijote, edited by Juan Francisco Ferré & Peter Bush)

Link to the website: http://www.trans.uma.es/trans_21.html


Teatro y traducción / Por un giro escénico (Theatre and translation. Towards an scenic turn)
Manuel F. Vieites

Abstract: The enactment of a theatrical performance is a complex creative process
that involves multiple agents, elements and processes of signification. The
text becomes a pretext and so the literary work results in a series of succes-
sive texts that will materialize in the theatrical text, that which is heard and
seen during each one of the performances. The figure of the dramaturge is
particularly important in the overall process, but so it is that of the transla-
tor, due to the fact that if drama involves the revision and/or adaptation of
the literary material to the scenic syntax, translation facilitates the access
to texts written in other languages. With this article we propose a tentative
theoretical framework in order to consider the relationship between the-
atre and translation based on the analysis of the concepts, processes and
working methods that are specific to this field of intersection of cultural
Keywords: drama, dramaturgy, staging, production, theatre, translation.

De Agincourt a Eton y más allá: la Alicia en el país de las maravillas de Rafael Ballester Escalas y sus secuelas (From Agincourt to Eton and beyond: Rafael Ballester Escalas’ Spanish translation of Alice in Wonderland and its aftermath)
Juan Gabriel López Guix

Abstract: This article documents over more than half a century the avatars of Rafael Ballester Escalas’ Spanish translation of Alice in Wonderland (Mateu, 1952). The vicissitudes of Ballester’s version reveal certain dynamics of the publishing industry, as well as some uses and flows of literary materials. Keywords:Alice in Wonderland, Rafael Ballester Escalas, Editorial Mateu, Editorial Bruguera, history of translation, history of publishing.


El impacto de las diferencias tipológicas en el grado de percepción de dinamismo en los eventos de movimiento (The impact of typological differences on the perceived degree of dynamacity in motion events)
Paula Cifuentes-Férez

Abstract: Drawing from Talmy’s work on lexicalization patterns, and Slobin’s thinking-for-speaking hypothesis, the translation of motion has been an active arena for research. Recently, a new line of research on the reception of translations of motion has arisen, suggesting that typological differences have an impact on the target audience’s assessments about a translated text. This paper aims to explore the influence that typological differences between English and Spanish may have on readers’ judgments about the degree of dynamicity of the motion events narrated in original English texts and in Spanish translations. 20 excerpts were taken from 5 bestsellers written in English and their corresponding translations into Spanish. Participants were asked to rate in a 1 to 4 point scale the degree of dynamicity of the events described. Results suggest (a) Spanish translations did not differ in terms of dynamicity when path and manner information has been either lost or totally kept, and (b) that lexical verb choice in some English fragments together with the intrinsic nature of the events seemed to have an effect on the English audience’s judgments. Keywords: motion events; dynamicity; English; Spanish; translation; reception.


¿Empoderamiento o asimilación? Estudio de dos casos de comunicación mediada en el ámbito educativo catalán (Empowerment or assimilation? Study of two cases of mediated communication in Catalan education)

Mireia Vargas-Urpi

Abstract: Intercultural mediation and public service interpreting enable communication
with migrated families who do not speak or understand the local languages. This can be especially important in parent-teacher meetings and when trying to establish a link between the school and the family. The present research seeks to analyse how mediated communication is developed in education settings. It focuses on two meetings in education settings in the province of Barcelona, where two educators communicated with Chinese families through intercultural mediators. Both meetings were audiotaped and the recordings have been transcribed and analysed by means of conversation analysis. The results show that despite the fact that the mediators enable communication, sometimes mediation is more oriented to the assimilation of the migrated community, and sometimes it even results in a dyadic separation, as direct communication between primary interlocutors (the educator and the mother) is not achieved or promoted.
Keywords: intercultural mediation, public service interpreting, community
interpreting, mediated communication, schools, immigration.

Le travail du traducteur par lui-même au dix-neuvième siècle: analyse du paratexte de deux traductions françaises de Os Lusíadas (The work of the nineteenth century translator according to himself: analysis of the paratext from two translations of Os Lusíadas into French(1825 et 1842))

Dominique Faria

Abstract: The nineteenth century in France is described by researchers as a time of transition from the tradition of the belles infidèles to a translation model closer to the source text. This article studies two cases which contradict this tendency. Our starting point will be the analysis of the texts written by the translators Jean-Baptiste Millié and François-Félix Ragon for two translations into French of Os Lusíadas , by the Portuguese author Luis Vaz de Camões, in 1825 and 1842, respectively. These texts are first hand testimonies, where translators expose their conception of translation, their translation strategies and their perception of Portuguese literature and of the work of Camões.
Keywords: Camoens, translation history, literary translation, adaptation

México y Bélgica: interpretación para la justicia en países multilingües vista a través del enfoque intercivilizacional y decolonial (Legal Interpreting in multilingual countries and (de)coloniality from an inter-civilizational approach. Transatlantic perspective on Mexico and Belgium)

Christiane Stallaert & Cristina Kleinert

Abstract: Based on the transfer of the conceptual framework of Latin American Decolonial Studies to the European context this paper analyzes comparatively the achievements and shortcomings of access to justice in multilingual states. By adopting a transatlantic view, focusing on the cases of Mexico and Belgium, the paper aims to illustrate the interest of an intercivilizational and decolonial approach to European human and social sciences.
Keywords: legal interpreting; Modernity; (de)coloniality; inter-civilizational approach; Mexico; Belgium


Representación y traducción del camp talk en el cine de Almodóvar: los casos de La mala educación y Los amantes pasajeros (Representation and translation of camp talk in Almodóvar’s films: a case study of Bad education and I’m so excited!)

Antonio Jesús Martínez Pleguezuelos

Abstract: This article deals with Keith Harvey’s study on Camp talk and its applications in the field of Translation. As the author describes, camp discourse is built through different underlying semiotic strategies which are able to shape the identity of a specific community of speakers. Consequently, and according to Harvey, it is possible to uncover a uniform discourse pattern which identifies an entire group through the use of certain linguistic features. Starting from the descriptive framework put forward by Harvey, this work will analyze the strategies used in Spanish and in the English subtitled version of two of the films with a more pronounced camp esthetics by film director Pedro Almodóvar (Bad Education, I’m So Excited!), in an attempt to verify the usefulness and pertinence of camp talk in shaping a specific identity.

Keywords: camp talk, Almodóvar, Bad Education, I’m So Excited!, subtitling, identity.


Basmala: Translating an Iconic Phrase
Aria Fani & John L. Hayes

Abstract: This note examines how an iconic Arabic phrase such as the basmala has been translated into Persian and English. These translations reflect different aesthetic, political and cultural aspects of this phrase. Outside of its Qur’ānic context, embedded within it, the basmala has extended cultural meanings. An equivalence-based approach to the translation of formulaic expressions would not suffice for the translation of the basmala in literary contexts.

Keywords: basmala, Cultural translation, Literary translation.


Entrevista a Mariano Antolín Rato, traductor, novelista, ensayista, psiconauta y agitador cultural
Bruno Mattiussi

Abstract: Interview with Mariano Antolín Rato, translator, novelist, essayist, psychonaut and cultural catalyst Mariano Antolín Rato (Gijón, 1943) is a distinguished translator, novelist and essayist who personifies the figure of the translator as cultural agent: one which influences the development of literature. His wide experience working on authors from the United States —those from the inter- and post-war periods, right to the end of the century— confirm his standing as one of the foremost translators of American literature from 20th century. His translations of works from the Lost Generation and the
Beats are acclaimed by the public, fellow translators, academics and critics alike. As a novelist he has been numbered among the most original and innovative practitioners in Spanish literature of the last fifty years.
Keywords: Antolín Rato; Martín Lendínez; translation; Beat; Burroughs; Kerouac; Faulkner; Stein; Fitzgerald.