[Job Vacancy] Lecturer, Translation and interpreting in the global, digital age – The University of Antwerp

Lecturer, Translation and interpreting in the global, digital age – 2019ZAPFLWEX262

As part of its dynamic research policy, the Faculty of Arts is seeking to fill a full-time vacancy in the Department of Applied Linguistics/Translation and Interpreting with the financial support of the Special Research Fund (BOF) of the Flemish Government. The position is initially for a

Lecturer in the area of Translation and interpreting in the global, digital age

with promotion possibilities (tenure track research professor TTBOF).

Job description

The position entails duties in the domains of teaching, research and academic service to society. Your main activity will be scientific research for a period of five years (the duration of the temporary appointment in tenure track).

  • You will develop scientific research in the area of Translation and/or Interpreting Studies, with a focus on globalisation and/or digitisation, as a member of the departmental research group TricS (Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies).
  • You will acquire and manage national and international external research funds.
  • You will initiate and supervise PhD research within the area of your expertise.
  • You will offer research support, fulfil coordinating functions of an academic nature and offer research-based service to society at large.
  • You will teach one elective course in the Master in Translation: “Localisation with focus on video games”.
  • You will contribute to the development of international research cooperation with other research groups within and outside the university.

Profile and requirements

  • You hold a doctorate degree (PhD) in computer technology, translation studies, linguistics, letters or equivalent with a strong specialisation in videogame localization translation and/or interpreting studies, and a strong focus on communication processes in translation and/or interpreting.
  • You investigate research questions related to globalisation and/or digitisation.
  • You have a minimum of 2 years postdoctoral research experience on the closing date of the vacancy.
  • You have an international academic CV and carry out qualitatively outstanding academic research in the domain of Translation and interpreting in the global, digital age within the broader field of (audiovisual) translation studies.
  • Experience with research on various, hybrid and intermodal forms of translation and/or interpreting (e.g. live subtitling, (game) localization, (literary) machine translation and post-editing, remote interpreting, etc.) is considered an asset.
  • Experience with experimental research methods (e.g. EEG, eye-tracking, keystroke logging) is considered an asset.
  • Your approach to teaching is in compliance with the educational vision of the University of Antwerp.
  • Your academic qualities are in conformity with the requirements stipulated in the university’s policy.
  • You have leadership skills or the potential to develop them.
  • You are quality-oriented, conscientious, creative and cooperative.
  • You are a native or near-native speaker of Dutch or English. If you do not know Dutch, the management language of the university, you are willing to learn Dutch to the B2 level of the European Reference Framework for Language within the five years following your appointment. The University of Antwerp supports international staff members on an integration trajectory and offers tailor-made language coaching in compliance with Flemish language regulations.

We offer

  • a full-time position as a lecturer as a five-year temporary appointment within the tenure track. This position will lead to an immediate permanent appointment as a senior lecturer (including a possible extension of another five years as research professor BOF) if your performance is assessed favourably on the basis of previously determined and publicly announced evaluation criteria;
  • a monthly gross salary for full time appointment ranging from € 4.255,06 to € 6.272,13;
  • an attractive starter package consisting of a full four-year PhD project and consumables (30 000€);
  • a dynamic and stimulating work environment;
  • if two candidates are equally qualified for the position, priority will be given to candidates of the underrepresented gender within the given scientific domain. This priority is not granted automatically nor unconditionally. The evaluation will always take into account the personal situation of every candidate;
  • the date of appointment will be February 1st, 2020.

How to apply?

  • Applications may only be submitted online by the closing date 27 October 2019. The application form must be completed and must include a detailed research proposal (mandatory) for the next five years (approx. 5000 words, including a concise description (1 page) of the intended PhD research (see starter package)) and a report of your previous scientific research activities (max. 5000 words). In addition, you must add two abstracts summarising the scientific content of the research plan – a scientific abstract and an abstract in layman’s terms – max. 500 words (or max. 4000 characters). All documents must be submitted in English.
  • An initial pre-selection will be made on the basis of the submitted applications. The next stages of the selection procedure are specific to the position and will be determined by the selection panel.
  • The interviews of the candidates resulting from the preselection by the panel will take place on 29 November 2019.
  • More information about the application form can be obtained from vacatures@uantwerpen.be.
  • For questions about the profile and the contents of the position, please contact Dr. Isabelle Robert (isabelle.robert@uantwerpen.be).
  • Further information regarding the specific research status can be obtained from Dr. Tim Engels, Head of the Research Department Tel. +32 (0)3 265 30 12).

The University of Antwerp is a family friendly organization, with a focus on equal opportunities and diversity. Our HR-policy for researchers was awarded by the European Commission with the quality label HR Excellence in research.

We support the Science4Refugeesinitiative and encourage asylum-seeking, refugee scientists and researchers to apply for a job at the University of Antwerp.

