[CFP] CLINA: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Communication,


Volume 6 Issue 2 (December) 2020

DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION (300 words approx.) by email to revistaclina@usal.es: MAY 30, 2020


DEADLINE FOR THE SUBMISSION OF FULL PAPERS (accepted abstracts only) on https://revistas.usal.es/index.php/clina/login (6000-8000 words): September 15, 2020





With this issue, we set out to continue the idea and wish of the journal Clina to focus on contexts of translation and interpreting from the point of view of intercultural mediation. This special issue of the journal will be devoted to phraseology in translation and interpreting with the aim of providing new perspectives that will enable us to advance the current state of knowledge in its threefold aspect: research, training and professional practice.

Phraseology has undergone great strides in recent years; proof of this is the large number of researchers who have devoted their work to this field of knowledge (Corpas Pastor, 1996, 2018; Mellado Blanco, 2013; Timofeeva, 2008; Ruiz Gurillo, 2010; Torijano Pérez & Recio Ariza, 2019). Its relevance in translation and interpreting is a noticeable and undeniable fact due to the contributions made by research in this field.

At the textual level, phraseological units (PU) and their translation represent an undeniable complexity added to the translation task, a difficulty that probably lies in the degree of transparency or opacity of these units. Increasing the degree of opacity of a PU makes it easier to locate it; however, it is precisely that opacity that makes it difficult to understand the meaning of the PU.

Among the theoretical-practical aspects that have begun to become relevant is, for example, Cognitive Grammar. Against this background, questions such as the following arise: what is the role of Cognitive Grammar in the process of phraseology acquisition? Can the idiomaticity of a language be explained through Cognitive Grammar? These approaches, along with other relevant aspects, seem to be gaining importance in the phraseological research of recent years. Cognitivism has begun to develop strategies applied to phraseology, such as the concepts of metonymy, metaphor and encyclopedic knowledge. To what extent cognitive strategies, as well as Cognitive Grammar itself, can shed light on this regard is another aspect that this issue aims to address, for which it proposes to present the main methodological aspects in the field of phraseology in its relationship with translation studies, contrastive linguistics, and corpus linguistics, and to offer the international readership a series of research studies on topics related to the field of translation and phraseology, aspects that can be studied from very different (inter)disciplinary approaches (linguistic, contrastive, sociological, cultural, etc.).

We, therefore, welcome proposals addressing topics including, but not limited to:

  • Theory of phraseology (contributions of phraseology in translation and interpreting and its most recent research trend)
  • Translating aspects of phraseology
  • Textual linguistics
  • Corpus linguistics (contribution of corpora of phraseology in translation and interpreting, the possibilities and limits of corpora in translation and interpreting, features of translated language through corpus approach), corpus-based terminology, new developments in corpus design)
  • Translation didactics (corpus as a tool for translation didactics and its reflection in translation didactics)
  • Phraseology teaching in FL
  • Phraseopragmatics (contribution of the pragmatic turn in phraseology)
  • Computer-aided translation (CAT). (Memsource, DeepL, etc.)


  • Corpas Pastor, Gloria (1996). Manual de fraseología española. Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1996.
  • — “Laughing One’s Head off in Spanish Subtitles: A Corpus-based Study on Diatopic Variation and its Consequences for Translation”. In MOGORRÓN HUERTA, Pedro / ALBALADEJO MARTÍNEZ, Antonio (eds.): Fraseología, Diatopía y Traducción. John Benjamins, 2018.
  • Mellado Blanco, Carmen (2013). “La gramaticalización de las restricciones y preferencias de uso de las unidades fraseológicas del español y alemán desde un enfoque cognitivo-pragmático”. In OLZA, Inés / MANERO RICHARD, Elvira (eds.): Fraseopragmática. Berlín: Frank & Timme, pp. 303-331.
  • Ruiz-Gurillo, Leonor (2010). “Interrelaciones entre gramaticalización y fraseología en español”, Revista de filología española Tomo 90, Fasc. 1, p. 173-194.
  • Timofeeva, Larissa (2008). Acerca de los aspectos traductológicos de la fraseología española. Universidad de Alicante: Tesis doctoral.
  • Torijano Pérez, J. Agustín & Recio Ariza, M.ª Ángeles (2019). “La problemática de los Komposita en la Fraseología”. In DEL REY QUESADA, Santiago; DEL BARRIO DE LA ROSA, Florencio & GÓNZALEZ GÓMEZ, Jaime (eds.): Lenguas en contacto, ayer y hoy. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, p. 383-404.


The journal Clina was born as a vehicle for dissemination which, on the one hand, aims to respond to the growing need for forums where to publicise advances in the area of Translation and Interpreting and related disciplines and, on the other hand, to promote research in the lines defined as being of interest to the journal.

The journal’s name alludes to the complex and contingent nature of translation and communication phenomena. In a number of fields such as biology, economics, genetics, linguistics, mathematics and meteorology, a cline is a space of transition, a gradient that traces a path from one space to another while establishing relative models, forms, types, and norms. The variation and the difference between words said and how those words are reproduced, between an original text and a translation, between truth and how truth is represented, between oneself and the other are all characteristics of translation, interpreting, and fields akin to ours. This is the spirit behind the journal Clina, which with this issue takes its first step forward.

Created by the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Salamanca -established in 1992 and, therefore, one of the pioneers in Spain-, the journal Clina has a conceptually open and transdisciplinary approach, although with a clear focus on Translation Studies. It is a concrete and consolidated discipline that has become increasingly important in a globalized universe such as the theoretical and practical investigation of that set of activities in which one text refers to another, trying to reactivate or reconstruct the communicative acts codified in it, adapted to a new linguistic, cultural and ideological context. Since communication is the core of any human activity, and recontextualization through languages and cultural environments an undeniable feature of the contemporary world, the focus must necessarily be broad. The journal includes contributions on translation and interpreting as a process and as a product, as well as studies from other areas of interest for interlinguistic and intercultural communication.

Periodicity: Two issues per year
Length of papers (between 6 and 9 per volume) 6,000-8,000 words (all inclusive)
Length of reviews: 2,000-2,500 (all inclusive)
Languages of the journal: English and Spanish

Reviews of publications related to each of the monograph topics (translation, interpreting and intercultural communication) are accepted. Reviews will be submitted through the journal Clina online site (http://revistas.usal.es/index.php/clina/index).

Proposals for future monograph topics are also accepted. If you are interested, you should contact the editors: revistaclina@usal.es

