10th International Conference of AIETI 2021
October 11-13, 2021 / University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
The 10th International Conference of the Iberian Association for Translation and Interpreting Studies (AIETI), which is being hosted by the University of Minho’s School of Arts and Humanities (ILCH) and Center for Humanistic Studies (CEHUM), will take place on 11, 12 and 13 October 2021 in Braga at the University of Minho’s Gualtar campus.
This is the first time that the biennial AIETI conference is to be held in Portugal. It is, therefore, a unique opportunity to promote and enrich transdisciplinary dialogue and research practice in Translation and Interpreting Studies not only in the Iberian Peninsula but also more widely in the Lusophone space.
In accordance with the 3rd article of the AIETI’s Statutes, the aim of this conference is to encourage thinking, study, research, teaching and scientific exchange around the different areas of translation and interpreting, as well as promoting awareness of its socio-cultural value and impact.
Under the broad organising themes of journeys and crossings, as well as hospitality and dialogue, the conference aims to inspire discussion around the dynamics of language, culture and knowledge transmission in the context of globalization through the circulation of texts and ideas in translation.
The organising committee welcomes all academics, researchers, professionals and students on this journey through texts and languages. To reclaim a Camonian dictum, you are invited to re-cross “waters previously navigated,” to map and write new cartographies for a “bright wide world.”
Both individual paper proposals and panel proposals will be considered. Conference papers may address but need not be limited to the following topics:
- History of Translation
- Theory of Translation
- Didactics of Translation
- Interpreting
- Sociology of Translation
- Translation Process Studies
- Applied Linguistics and Translation
- Activism, Immigration and Conflict
- Tools and technology
- Literary Translation
- Specialized Translation
- Audiovisual Translation and Multimodality in Translation and Interpreting Studies
The official conference languages will be Spanish, English and Portuguese. The programme will include round table and poster sessions. Papers should be a maximum of 20 mins (including Q&A and discussion time) and all proposals will be peer–reviewed.
All paper presentations can be submitted for inclusion in a special issue of the CEHUM journal Diacrítica. Publication will be in electronic form and subject to peer-review. http://diacritica.ilch.uminho.pt/index.php/dia/about
There will be a ceremony to present the AIETI “Best Thesis of the Biennium” Research Award during the conference.
For more information, please contact aieti10@ilch.uminho.pt
Keynote Speakers
Amparo Hurtado Albir – Espanha (Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona)
Alexandra Assis Rosa – Portugal (Faculdade de Letras Universidade de Lisboa)
Andreia Guerini – Brasil (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
Michael Cronin – Irlanda (Trinity College Dublin)
Submission of proposals: 10 January 2021.
Notification of acceptance: March 2021.
Early bird: 31 May 2021.
Second call: until 31 July 2021.
Registration Fees
Early Bird
Students (undergraduate, masters and doctoral): 70 euros.
AIETI members: 150 euros.
Non-members: 180 euros..
Standard (after Early Bird)
Students (undergraduate, masters and doctoral): 85 euros.
AIETI members: 180 euros.
Non-members: 210 euros.
For more details, please visit: http://cehum.ilch.uminho.pt/aieti