[Event] Translation as Transfer of Cultural Images
Online colloquium
Tuesday, 11 May 2021 (14:00-18:00)
Organized by the Department of Translation Studies
Luc van Doorslaer, luc.vandoorslaer@ut.ee
Irina Siseykina, irina.siseykina@ut.ee
This colloquium is the fifth workshop of the Cultural Transfer Research Group of the Enlight University Network.
Attendance is free, but we kindly ask you to register here.
Translation is a cultural transfer par excellence, and in its essence of transgressing boundaries also highly contemporary. Over the past decades, cultural and sociological approaches in translation studies have largely shown that translation is no longer considered a traditional linguistic activity based on the concepts of equivalence and non-change. Nowadays, translation is investigated as an instrument of societal and cultural impact, with translators being conceptualized as agents as well as source and target culture actors. Seen from this perspective, translators are deeply involved in the processes of gatekeeping, representation, and national and cultural image-building.
This colloquium will present four international speakers dealing with manifestations of translation as transfer of cultural images. They will approach the theme from various angles (methodological, historical, etc.) and will cover the transfer between very diverse cultural and language areas (see abstracts). After every presentation there will be time available for Q&A.
For more details, visit: https://www.maailmakeeled.ut.ee/en/translation-transfer-cultural-images