Busan Content Market Conference

June.8.(Weds.) – 10.(Fri), 2022 (3 Days)

Offline: Convention Hall 205, BEXCO, Busan, South Korea

Online: BCM official website, BEXCO and online live streaming on the official website


Thursday, June 9, 2022

10:30 – 12:30 Toward diversity, equality and sustainability in streaming: Translating British media in Korea and Korean media in the UK

Jonathan Evans
University of GlasgowProfessorDr Jonathan EVANS is Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. He is the author of The Many Voices of Lydia Davis (2016) and the co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics. He is the deputy editor of the Journal of Specialised Translation.
Topic of the Lecture: Translating media internationally

Main Points of the Lecture: The session will report on work linked to an ongoing research project ‘Toward diversity, equality and sustainability in streaming’, exploring areas such as translation and streaming, the ways in which fans affect the reception of media content, and how media content is framed for international consumption.

Kyung Hye KIM
Shanghai International Studies University
Associate Professor 

  • Associate Professor, Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications, Shanghai International Studies University, China
  • Deputy Director (2020-) and co-founder (2017-), Baker Centre for Translation & Intercultural Studies, Shanghai International Studies University
  • Conference Committee Chair, International Association for Translation & Intercultural Studies
  • International Cooperation Vice-chair, Korean Association for Translation Studies
  • Research member, ESRC-funded UK-South Korea Connections Grants
Topic of the Lecture: Multiplicity of voices for the sustainable media culture: the power of the non-author-sanctioned reviews for multilingual cinema

Main Points of the Lecture: This study examines the power of lay audiences’ reviews of multilingual films, which not only foster a mutual cultural understanding that may not be encouraged solely through subtitling, but that also risk misinterpretation. Revisiting and expanding Gérard Genette’s concept of paratext that was initially applied to a written text genre to the film genre, this study critiques Genette’s initial view on ‘epitext’ – reviews in particular, and shows the power of the ‘unauthorised’ audience reviews in appreciating culture, which Genette dismissed. Using examples taken from various multilingual films, this study argues that the ‘unauthorised’ film reviews wield considerable power in fostering mutual cultural understanding and result in multiple active and dynamic dialogues and knowledge exchanges among audiences around the globe.

Jinsil Choi
Keimyung University
Assistant Professor 

  • 2014.09- Assistant Professor, Keimyung University, Korea
  • 2022.03- Deputy Editor, the Korean Association for Translation Studies
  • 2019.11- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Specialised Translation,
  • 2011.09-12 Visiting Scholar, University of Manchester, UK
  • 2011.03-2012.02 Post-doctoral fellow, Centre for Humanities, Pusan National University, Korea
Topic of the Lecture: Paratextual formation and reception : the case of BBC drama, Killing Eve

Main Points of the Lecture: With an unprecedented change of media landscape and an exponential growth of streaming channels, film paratexts have received more attention recently from Translation Studies, as in Translation Studies’ 2023 special issue. Drawing on the concept of Genette’s (1997) paratext, originally applied to a book, this study explores paratextual formation and reception, with the case of BBC drama, Killing Eve, promoted and distributed by Watcha in Korea.

Darcy Paquet
TranslatorBusan Asian Film School Visiting ProfessorDarcy Paquet is the founder of Koreanfilm.org and the author of New Korean Cinema: Breaking the Waves (2010). He has done subtitle translation for over 100 films including Parasite, The Handmaiden, and The Woman Who Ran. He currently teaches in the International Film Business Academy at the Busan Asian Film School.
Topic of the Lecture : Thoughts on recent controversies regarding subtitle translation on OTT platforms

Friday, June 10, 2022

10:30 – 12:30 Toward diversity, equality and sustainability in streaming: Translating British media in Korea and Korean media in the UK

Chi-Yun Shin
Sheffield Hallam UniversityPrincipal Lecturer in Film Studies (equivalent to Associate Professor)Chi-Yun Shin is a Principal Lecturer in Film Studies at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. She has co-edited New Korean Cinema (2005) – one of the first English-language publications on Korean Cinema – and East Asian Film Noir (2015). She has also widely published on East Asian cinema and Black British Diaspora films.
Topic of the Lecture: South Korean Film Distributions in the UK

Main Points of the Lecture: Focusing on the (now defunct) Tartan’s ‘Asia Extreme’ distribution label that established and raised the profile of South Korean cinema in the UK, the presentation traces the various ways in which Tartan curated its catalogue and provided the UK audiences with an accessible yet cutting-edge titles. It will also explore the label’s impact and legacy including its reductionist rhetoric that set agenda in the reception of South Korean cinema in the UK.

Ji-Hae Kang
Ajou University

  • Professor of Translation Studies, Ajou University
  • Director, Ajou Center for Translation and Interpreting Studies (ACTIS)
  • Vice President, Korean Association of Translation Studies (KATS)
  • Co-editor of Translating and Interpreting in Korean Contexts (2019, Routledge, with Judy Wakabayashi), Guest-editor of Translation in Institutions (2014, Special Issue of Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice)
Topic of the Lecture: Translation and the Global Distribution of Content: Focusing on Streaming Platforms

Main Points of the Lecture: This presentation examines the ways in which audiovisual translation in the context of streaming services is impacting the reception and distribution of content in the global media landscape.

Sooyeon Seo
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS)Professor in Korean LinguisticsSoo-Yeon Seo is South Korea’s first audio description writer (since 2003), who also works as a narrator and producer. She is currently in a doctoral programme at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) where she focuses on audio description and the accessibility of a diverse range of media, including television, theatre, exhibitions, live performances, etc.
Topic of the Lecture: A comparative analysis of the coherence between Korean and English audio description in Squid Game

Main Points of the Lecture: Netflix provides Korean and English audio description tracks for Squid Game, which has contributed to attracting diverse global audiences who are hard of hearing. In light of Squid Game securing a broader base of consumers, the speaker will touch on coherence, which is one of the critical factors of audio description.
She will analyze how coherence was represented in the two linguistically different regions and offer suggestions on how to improve the quality of audio description texts.

Jieun Kiaer
University of Oxford
Professor in Korean LinguisticsJieun Kiaer is a Professor of Korean Linguistics at the University of Oxford.She publishes widely on East Asian translation, with particular emphasis on Korean translation. Her publications include The Routledge Course in Korean Translation (2018), Translation and Literature in East Asia: Between Visibility and Invisibility, with Jennifer Guest and Xiaofan Amy Li (2019), Korean Literature through the Korean Wave with Anna Yates-Lu (2019) and On Translating Modern Korean Poetry with Anna Yates-Lu and Mattho Mandersloot (2020). She is the series editor of Routledge Studies in East Asian Translation and Korean Wave in Translation.
Topic of the Lecture : Linguistics of Subtitling

Main Points of the Lecture : I discuss the linguistics of subtitling using the cases studies of K-drama.

For more details, please visit https://ibcm.tv/sub/market/bcm_conference2.php