[CFP] MT Summit 2023

2nd Call for Papers and Presentations

With the coming of the MT Summit XIX, the 19th Machine Translation Summit, held from September 4 to 8, 2023, we are pleased to announce that we are putting out a call for papers and presentations, as well as for proposals for workshops and tutorials.

COVID-19 has forced many international conferences to go fully online, and this was no different for the previous MT Summit. This time, however, we’re looking to provide both real opportunities for face-to-face discussions and for encounters that take place online.

The conference will take place in the convention center located on the Cotai Strip, which is at the heart of modern Macao’s accommodation, event, and entertainment offerings. We will also continue to monitor the pandemic situation closely to ensure the safety of participants, and, if necessary, will convert to a completely virtual format.

The MT Summit XIX is organized by the Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation. This biennial MT Summit brings together the Asian-Pacific (AAMT), American (AMTA), and European (EAMT) branches of the International Association for Machine Translation (IAMT), creating an invaluable opportunity to discuss the issues of the day with a truly global gathering of all the stakeholders of machine translation. This includes researchers of MT and translation, developers, providers, translators, and general users. For researchers, MT Summit XIX provides a unique context in which to share their latest results with colleagues, as well as an opportunity to understand real-world user requirements. MT providers, translators, and general users in both business and government settings will benefit from updates on leading-edge R&D in Machine Translation and have a chance to present and discuss their own use cases. In all of these contexts, we strongly encourage and hope that students will also make submissions and participate.

The following important dates apply to each of the tracks listed below:

  • Submission deadline: Monday, 1 May 2023
  • Notification of acceptance: Monday, 19 June 2023
  • Final “camera-ready” versions: Monday, 10 July 2023

Please note the earlier deadline for submission of Workshop and Tutorial proposals: Monday, 17 April 2023

The submission and “camera-ready” deadline time zone for all of the above dates is “Anywhere on Earth” (UTC–12).

IMPORTANT NOTE:Due to the hybrid nature of the conference, all papers, presentations, tutorials, and workshops will be recorded without exception. Any submission will be understood by the MT Summit Organizing Committee as giving your tacit permission for the organizers to create a video recording of your presentation and make it available to conference attendees, and potentially to members of AMTA, AAMT, or EAMT as well. We also request that all remote representations be pre-recorded.

Conference Tracks

The conference will feature two main tracks – Research and Users, each dedicated to a respective area in machine translation research and user research & experiences. The final presentation format is either oral or poster.

Guidelines for submission to the tracks of the conference are as follows:

Research Track

Chairs: Masao Utiyama and Rui Wang (mt-summit-2023-research-track@googlegroups.com)

We invite original, substantial, and unpublished research in all aspects of machine translation (MT). We seek submissions across the entire spectrum of MT-related research, but with a particular focus on MT Summit’s strength: the close interaction between researchers and practitioners who are looking to apply the latest MT technology to their tasks. 

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Advances in data-driven MT (e.g. neural, statistical)
  • Lexicon acquisition and integration into MT
  • MT for low resource languages
  • Model distillation, compression, and on-device MT
  • MT in production scenarios, robustness and deployment issues.
  • MT for multiple modalities (Speech, OCR, Images)
  • MT for communication (chats, blogs, social networks)
  • Few-shot adaptation of pre-trained MT systems
  • Deep integration of MT technology within translation and localization pipelines
  • Large-scale mining of translation resources
  • Computer Assisted Translation (CAT)
  • MT Evaluation
  • Measuring Fairness, Bias, Transparency in Translation
  • Detecting and preventing Catastrophic errors in Translation
  • Best practices in annotation for Translation

Submission Instructions:

Papers should not be longer than 10 pages of content (for references, unlimited number of pages is allowed). The papers must follow the MT Summit 2023 style guides (PDF version, LaTeX version, MS Word version, and Overleaf template(https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/mt-summit-2023-template/knrrcnxhkqxd)and be submitted in PDF format. To allow for blind reviewing, please do not include author names and affiliations within the paper and avoid obvious self-references.

Research track papers must represent new work that has not been previously published (pre-prints posted online on servers such as arXiv do not count as published papers, and thus are allowed to be submitted; we do not require a 1-month anonymity period for previous submissions on arXiv). Authors submitting a similar paper to another conference or workshop must specify this at submission time; if the paper is accepted to multiple venues, the author must choose which one to present at. Papers must be submitted to the following website by the conference submission deadline: https://softconf.com/mtsummit2023/research.


Final versions of papers must be submitted by the final “camera-ready” date. All Research track papers will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be made publicly available on the MT Summit website. Papers will also be hosted individually on the ACL Anthology website.

Users Track

Chairs: Masaru Yamada and Félix do Carmo (mt-summit-2023-users-track@googlegroups.com)

This track calls for participation of innovative and unpublished papers and presentations describing studies on general conditions of usage of MT products, both by end users, who consume its raw products for purposes like gisting, as well as by translators and other professional services, who use MT for producing quality translations by the process of post-editing.

In addition, we are looking for papers/reports on the status of MT literacy and education, aiming to enlighten users on the proper use of MT, and on MT use cases in specific domains, including local government, public services, academia and schools. Studies related to positive outcomes brought by the use of MT, but also to its shortcomings and limitations, risks, ethical concerns and others related to the use of MT outside of research labs are also welcome to this track. Submissions by MT technology and service providers should present analyses of innovative MT use cases, rather than focus on projects, products or service offerings.

Topics of interest may include, but are not limited to, the following:

Downstream applications of MT:

* use of MT in pedagogical, translation and language learning contexts, leading to the development of new technical and linguistic competences

* use of MT in specialized communication domains and for specialized uses, like healthcare, justice, literature and arts

* development of innovative and fair pricing models for services based on MT

* consumer rights and producers’ responsibility in MT for assimilation and in MT for dissemination

* impact of the use of MT in client-facing environments

* MT back-translation as a process to generate synthetic data

* Integration of MT in multimodal communication, integrated with speech recognition, text dictation, image identification and captioning, voice synthesis, intralingual respeaking, audio-description, and others

* Integration of MT in production workflows that involve automatic post-editing, quality estimation and fine-tuning steps

* translation process and post-editing process analysis with user activity data, including cognitive data, namely for better coverage of translation effort and density of editing in the use of MT

Innovative evaluation of uses of MT:

* societal contributions of the use of MT, as with low-resource languages and in contexts of crisis, and applications that show community engagement

* ROI of the use of MT in business scenarios

* dynamic and holistic quality assessment models, reflecting textual and extra-textual factors

* data security, regulation compliance and technology integration of MT

* ethical concerns about the uses of MT: impact over users, translators, factors of risk, liability and legal implications

* quality control procedures in industrial production scenarios, through the use of industry standards, usage guidelines and quality control metrics, besides integration with terminology, grammar checking and other quality assurance tools and components

* exploration and extension of notions related to augmentation of translation, dynamic quality, multidimensionality of translation, based on the use of MT in innovative and creative services

* proposals for innovative perspectives and conceptualizations over the use of MT, which bring about questions not usually addressed by engineering approaches

* impact of the use of MT on the management of concurrent translation online platforms

* adoption of MT by diverse populations of users, across countries, demographics, cultural and social spectrums

Submission instructions

Please submit an abstract or a full-paper by the dates indicated above. Only abstracts are required to be submitted by the initial submission date. Abstracts should not be longer than 500 words, plus a list of 6 keywords (ideally, related to any of the topics of interest indicated in this call for papers) and references. To allow for blind reviewing, please do not include author names and affiliations within the paper and avoid obvious self-references. Full-papers should not be longer than 10 pages of content (for references, unlimited number of pages is allowed). The papers must follow the MT Summit 2023 style guides, the same as the ones used for research track, and be submitted in PDF format.

All versions of abstracts, papers, and slide decks must be submitted via the SUBMISSION WEBSITE below:



If the abstract or the paper is accepted, final versions of papers, abstracts, or slide decks must be submitted by the final camera-ready date for publication, in PDF format, via the SUBMISSION WEBSITE indicated above. All papers and presentations received by the camera-ready deadline will be published in the conference proceedings and on the ACL Anthology website.
