[New Publication] Museums as Spaces of Cultural Translation and Transfer

Special issue of Babel 70:5 (2024)

Sophie Decroupet | Ghent University
Mertens | KU Leuven and University of Tartu


Conceptualizing museum translation: Cultural translation, interlingual processes and other perspectives
Irmak Mertens & Sophie Decroupet | pp. 593–614


Visitor experience as translation: Intertextuality and identity in experiences of an American Chinese museum
Robert Neather | pp. 615–636

Translating artworks: Interlingual, intralingual, and intersemiotic translation in museums
Chiara Bartolini | pp. 637–657

Communication with international visitors: Interlingual translation practice in the University of Tartu Museum
Terje Loogus & Jaanika Anderson | pp. 658–681

Generational translation in the Jewish Museum, Berlin: Navigating between history and story
Clare Hindley, Katja Grupp & Magda Sylwestrowicz | pp. 682–703

“So if you’re going fossil hunting, that’s where you should look”: Popularization for children in science museum websites
Annalisa Sezzi & Jessica Jane Nocella | pp. 704–726

The ethnographic museum as a sensitive translation: The case of the AfricaMuseum in Belgium
Anneleen Spiessens & Luc van Doorslaer | pp. 727–758

For more details, please visit: https://benjamins.com/catalog/babel.70.5